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Starting the node from Docker

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You can start a TP-Node using the Docker image.

Setting up the environment

Before you start a TP-Node using the Docker image:

  1. Ensure you have Docker installed on your machine.

  2. If not, refer to Docker Installation Guide.


    If you don't use root account, run the following command to ensure you belong the user group docker:

    $ groups

    If you don't belong to the user group docker, run the following command:

    $ sudo usermod -aG docker
  3. Get and start the Tea Ceremony Client to get the actual node.config and genesis.txt files.

  4. Create db and log directories in your working directory (/opt, for instance).


    You can create an additional directory named thepower, for example, and place db and log as subdirectories there.

  5. Place the files genesis.txt and node.config near db and log directories.

Starting the node

To start the node run the following command:

docker run -d \
--name tpnode \
--restart unless-stopped \
--mount type=bind,source=/opt/thepower/db,target=/opt/thepower/db \
--mount type=bind,source=/opt/thepower/log,target=/opt/thepower/log \
--mount type=bind,source=/opt/thepower/node.config,target=/opt/thepower/node.config \
--mount type=bind,source=/opt/thepower/genesis.txt,target=/opt/thepower/genesis.txt \
-p 1800:1800 \
-p 1080:1080 \
-p 1443:1443 \


docker run -dThis command starts Docker in the background
--name tpnodeThis command specifies the name (optional)
--restart unless-stoppedThis options helps to avoid manual Deocker restart in case of a server restart
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/db,target=/opt/thepower/dbPath to the database. Bound to Docker. /opt here is mandatory, because it is the path inside the container.
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/log,target=/opt/thepower/logPath to log files. Bound to Docker. /opt here is mandatory, because it is the path inside the container.
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/node.config,target=/opt/thepower/node.configPath to your node.config file. Bound to Docker. /opt here is mandatory, because it is the path inside the container.
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/genesis.txt,target=/opt/thepower/genesis.txtPath to your genesis.txt. Bound to Docker. /opt here is mandatory, because it is the path inside the container.
-p 1800:1800
-p 1080:1080
-p 1443:1443
These commands specify all necessary local ports. In this examples ports api, apis, and tpic are used. You can specify any port in node.config file. The ports should be the same as specified in node.config.
thepowerio/tpnodePath to Docker image.

Stopping the node in Docker

To stop the node, use the following commands:

  1. docker stop tpnode
  2. docker rm tpnode