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Starting the node from source

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TP-Node is the main module of The Power Ecosystem. In this manual, you'll learn how to start a node from the source code on Linux.

Setting up the environment

Before you start your TP-Node, you need to set up the environment.

Install Erlang

You can install Erlang either using the package manager, or using kerl.

Install Erlang using the package manager

If you use the recommended Ubuntu version (22.04.1), you can install Erlang using the package manager. To do this, run the following command:

apt install cmake clang gcc git curl libssl-dev build-essential automake autoconf libncurses5-dev elixir erlang

If you use other version of Ubuntu (20.04, for instance), refer to the section below to install Erlang using kerl.

Install Erlang using kerl

To install Erlang using kerl:

  1. Download the kerl script

    curl -O


    If you already have Erlang installed on your machine, we strongly recommend deleting it before the new installation, using the following command:

    apt purge erlang*
  2. Change script mode to executable by using the following command:

    chmod a+x kerl
  3. Go to the /opt directory:

    cd /opt
  4. Create a new directory in /opt. You can choose any name for this directory. Noteworthy is that the name should be descriptive for you:

    mkdir erlang
  5. Go back to the root directory:

    cd ~
  6. Update the list of Erlang releases using the following command:

    ./kerl update releases
  7. Build the release 24.3 using the following command:

    ./kerl build 24.3

After installation is complete, you will see the following message in the console:

Erlang/OTP 24.3 (24.3) has been successfully built
  1. Install Erlang using the following command:

    ./kerl install 24.3 /opt/erlang
  2. Run the following command to activate the Erlang installation:

    source /opt/erlang/activate

Downloading and building the node

After setting up the working environment, you can download and build the node:


Choose a project folder to clone your project into. Use this folder to build the node.

  1. Download the node sources from Github into your working directory (your_node, for instance), using the following command:

    git clone -b e24
  2. Delete the previous builds (if present) in /tpnode by running the following command:

    rm -rf _build/default/*
  3. Compile the node source by running the following command:

    ./rebar3 compile
  4. Build the release by running the following command:

    ./rebar3 release
  5. Copy the node directory from _build/default/rel/thepower to /opt by running the following command:

    cp -r _build/default/rel/thepower /opt

Now you can start the node.

Starting the node

Start the node using systemd. To do this:

  1. Create a file tpnode.service under /etc/systemd/system directory.

  2. The file must contain the following:

    Description=tpnode service

    ExecStart=/opt/thepower/bin/thepower start
    ExecStop=/opt/thepower/bin/thepower stop

  3. Run the following command to rerun all generators , reload all unit files, and recreate the entire dependency tree. While the daemon is being reloaded, all sockets systemd listens on behalf of user configuration will stay accessible:

    systemctl daemon-reload
  4. Run the following command to enable the service after reboot:

    systemctl enable tpnode.service
  5. Start the node using the following command:

    systemctl start tpnode.service

How to stop the node?

To stop the node, run:

systemctl stop tpnode.service

How to check, if my node works?

To check, if your node works, run:

curl | jq


  • — your node address;
  • 1080 — port, that your node uses for api.

Replace the example parameters with the ones you need.