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Sending a transaction to another account

To send a transaction within the system you need to pay commission. That is why, you need to have sufficient amount of tokens to send the transaction. The code console.log('accountData',accountData) from the showAccountInfo.js example above outputs the account data. The amount field in the output will also display the tokens assigned to the account.

Code example and comments:

import { NetworkApi, WalletApi, Num } from '@thepowereco/tssdk';
import {readFileSync} from 'fs';
//load account data from file
const importNetworkApi = new NetworkApi(1025);
const importWalletApi = new WalletApi(importNetworkApi);
let password='111';
const importedData = readFileSync("example.pem");
const importedWallet = await importWalletApi.parseExportData(importedData.toString(), password);
console.log('import data',importedWallet);

//load balance for account
const letNetworkApi = new NetworkApi(1025);
await letNetworkApi.bootstrap();
//find the chain where the account is
let subChain = await letNetworkApi.getAddressChain(importedWallet.address);
const networkApi = new NetworkApi(subChain.chain);
await networkApi.bootstrap();
const walletApi = new WalletApi(networkApi);
const accountData= await walletApi.loadBalance(importedWallet.address);

//send 10 tokens to another account
let to='AA100001733086416001';
let amount=0.000000001;
let comment='test';
let res= await walletApi.makeNewTx (importedWallet.wif,importedWallet.address,to,'SK',amount,comment,new Date().getTime());

The account address

let to='AA100001733086413603';

specified in sendTransferTx.js is an example address. Please, replace it with your actual destination address.

Check out the next document to learn how to work with smart contracts.