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Use the following API to request information about the wallet state:

Request typeURLParameters
GET/api/address/{address}{address} — wallet address in textual or binary representation in hex format. Examples: AA100000001677722412 — address in textual representation 0x800140000100000B — address in binary representation in hex format

Request examples


For http-requests curl is used. For highlighting the json-formatted syntax jq-program is used.

Valid request

API request

~ curl -s | jq

API response

"info": {
"amount": {
"SK": 99999998
"code": 45864,
"contract": ["wasm", "WebAssembly"],
"lastblk": "89EDEB022263D98948C91445933605C59BA6BA1664D80BFA2A7E0274D21AC9B9",
"preblk": "E188F404907DCEE56F0D04123C24951AA356B8A04E082942AD92871CCE122E20",
"pubkey": "02D240F5F816302BD5D435720943CD715F2E735220C44648BBED39EEB6CE52A149",
"seq": 1630647029317,
"state": 1,
"t": 1630647029317,
"usk": 1,
"view": [],
"vm": "wasm"
"result": "ok",
"address": "0x8001400067000006",
"ok": true,
"txtaddress": "AA100000172805325404"

Invalid address

API request

~ curl -s | jq

API response

"result": "error",
"code": 10004,
"msg": "Invalid address",
"ok": false

Non-existent address

API request

~ curl -s | jq

API response

"result": "not_found",
"code": 10003,
"msg": "Not found",
"ok": false

Description of info block fields

amountWallet balance in various currencies. Only the transaction currencies are displayed in this field
lastblkHash of the block in which the last transaction modified this wallet
pubkeyThe public key for this wallet in a compact DER format
seqThe current value of seq for the address. When the transactions are executed through the API, the seq value should always be greater than the current value in the wallet (in other implementations, the name is called nonce)
tThe last transaction time in milliseconds

Conversion of a public key into PEM format

PEM format is usually used to work with openssl. Conversion can be performed as follows:

function der2pem($der_data, $type='PUBLIC KEY') {
$der_data = hex2bin('3036301006072a8648ce3d020106052b8104000a032200') . $der_data;
$pem = chunk_split(base64_encode($der_data), 64, "\n");
$pem = "-----BEGIN ".$type."-----\n".
trim($pem) .
"\n-----END ".$type."-----\n";
return $pem;

Working example

The program converts the public key of one of the wallets into PEM format and loads this key for further work with openssl:

function der2pem($der_data, $type='PUBLIC KEY') {
$der_data = hex2bin('3036301006072a8648ce3d020106052b8104000a032200') . $der_data;
$pem = chunk_split(base64_encode($der_data), 64, "\n");
$pem = "-----BEGIN ".$type."-----\n".
trim($pem) .
"\n-----END ".$type."-----\n";
return $pem;

$pub_key = nex2bin('036A21F068BE92697268B60D96C4CA93052EC104E49E003AE2C404D916864372F4');
$pub_key_pem = der2pem($pub_key);
$pub_key_handle = openssl_pkey_get_public($pub_key_pem);

printf("pub key:\n%s\n", $pub_key_pem);

The key problem can fail execution of openssl_pkey_get_public. The resource (4) of type (OpenSSL key) row at the end means that there were no errors, the key was correctly converted, and openssl accepted this key for further work:

~ php example.php
pub key:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

resource(4) of type (OpenSSL key)

Obtaining a public key via API

It is also possible to obtain a public key in PEM format.

To do this, you must pass the GET parameter pubkey=pem using the following command:

~ curl -s | jq

After the command has finished execution, you'll get the following result:

"info": {
"amount": {
"SK": 99999998
"code": 45864,
"contract": ["wasm", "WebAssembly"],
"lastblk": "89EDEB022263D98948C91445933605C59BA6BA1664D80BFA2A7E0274D21AC9B9",
"preblk": "E188F404907DCEE56F0D04123C24951AA356B8A04E082942AD92871CCE122E20",
"pubkey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMDYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEAAoDIgAC0kD1+BYwK9XUNXIJQ81xXy5zUiDERki77Tnuts5SoUk=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
"seq": 1630647029317,
"state": 1,
"t": 1630647029317,
"usk": 1,
"view": [],
"vm": "wasm"
"result": "ok",
"address": "0x8001400067000006",
"ok": true,
"txtaddress": "AA100000172805325404"


The result of command execution you get may differ from the result in the example.