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Testnet Campaign Flow (Phase 2)

Table of Contents


This simple guide will help you participate in The Power testnet campaign.


Please, turn off the firewall before you start working with the node.

Prerequisites for a node


CPU coresMemoryHard diskNetwork
44 GB or moreMinimum: 40 GB, SSD preferred100 Mbit/s


OSErlang versionEshell versionDocker versionServer
Ubuntu 22.0424.310.4latest (20.10.18 as of September 2022)Virtual machine

You need to have a clear server to work with your node. If you have done any experiments before, please delete the previous builds.


If you use other versions of Ubuntu, you'll have to resolve the Erlang dependencies manually.

What do I need to participate in testnet campaign?

To participate in ThePower testnet campaign you need to:

Step 1: Learn

Learn what is a testnet in DCloud. This guide will help you understand what ThePower Testnet is.

Step 2: Get IP addresses and DNS

You need to have a public IP address to take part in the testnet campaign. You can register a DNS for your server, if you want. The word "domain" will be used in the text below with the meaning of "domain", or of "IP address". The Power DCloud team is not responsible for assignment or registration of IP addresses or DNS.

Here you have the following options:

  1. You may have your own domain name (recommended).

  2. You may use the VPS-generated domain name. You can check your domain name at your VPS. Here are the examples for Hetzner and Scaleway:



  3. You may use free services, like FreeDNS. You can also use the following hosting services from the list below:

  4. If none of the options above didn't work, submit a request for a domain name in our Discord chat.


    This option takes much more time, then the others, due to manual proccessing of submitted requests by the team.

Step 3: Set up your environment

Before start working with the node you need to set up your environment by installing Erlang, getting tpcli, and keys. Follow the steps below:

  1. To install Erlang, run:

    apt -y install erlang-base erlang-public-key erlang-ssl docker-compose jq


    You need to install erlang-public key and erlang-ssl. Otherwise, Erlang will not operate properly!

  2. Get the power CLI:

    1. Get the power cli by running the following command:

      sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/tp
    2. Change the tp file mode to executable by running the following command:

      sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/tp
  3. Create /opt/thepower/db/cert and /opt/thepower/log directories by running the following command:

    mkdir -p {/opt/thepower/db/cert,/opt/thepower/log}
  4. Go to /opt/thepower by running the following command:

    cd /opt/thepower
  5. Generate private key by running the following command:

    tp --genkey --ed25519

    As a result of this action, you will get the tpcli.key file. This file contains your private and public keys. Here is an example of this file. DON'T use the keys specified in this example:

    cat tpcli.key

    You may share your public key when necessary, but never share your private key.

    Backup the file and continue.

  6. Download the node.config file using the link. Here is the example of code:

    {tpic,#{peers => [],port => 1800}}.

    % ====== [ here is an example of configuration ] ======

    {discovery,#{addresses =>[
    #{address => "replace_with_your_hostname", port => 1800, proto => tpic},
    #{address => "replace_with_your_hostname", port => 1443, proto => apis},
    #{address => "replace_with_your_hostname", port => 1080, proto => api}

    {replica, true}.

    {hostname, "replace_with_your_hostname"}.

    {upstream, [

    % ======= [ end of example ] =========

    {loglevel, info}.
    {info_log, "log/info.log"}.
    {error_log, "log/error.log"}.
    {debug_log, "log/debug.log"}.
    {rpcsport, 1443}.
    {rpcport, 1080}.

    You need to replace the following:

    • #{address => "replace_with_your_hostname", port => 1800, proto => tpic},
      #{address => "replace_with_your_hostname", port => 1443, proto => apis},
      #{address => "replace_with_your_hostname", port => 1080, proto => api}
    • {hostname, "replace_with_your_hostname"}.
    • "Insert_here_your_upstream_link1", "Insert_here_your_upstream_link2". The links are obtained from The Power DCloud bot.


    Use this guide for more information on node.config.


    The first upstream node in the link must be active. Otherwise, the node.config will not work properly.

    You can check the upstream node status by running the following command:

    curl -s http://upstream_host:1080/api/node/status | jq .result

    If the command returns ok it means that no problems were discovered. If there is an error, then change the upstream links order in node.config file.

  7. Run the following command:

    grep priv tpcli.key >> node.config

    This and the following steps are crucial because you will NOT be able to start your node without node.config file. You can find more information about these files here.

Step 4: Set up SSL

Follow the steps below to set up SSL:

  1. Ensure that you use root account. It is necessary for further steps.

  2. Install by running the following command. Please, specify your real e-mail address:

    apt-get install socat
    curl | sh -s

    where — your active e-mail. Make sure, you have replaced it with your e-mail address.

  3. Log out of the system.

  4. Log in again.

  5. Obtain the certificate. To do this, run the following command: --issue --standalone -d
    warning is an example. Replace it with your node link.

  6. Install the certificate by running the following command: --install-cert -d \
    --cert-file /opt/thepower/db/cert/ \
    --key-file /opt/thepower/db/cert/ \
    --ca-file /opt/thepower/db/cert/
    warning is an example. Replace it with your node link.

    After you've installed the certificate, you can get the certificate status by running the following command: --info -d

    where — your node address link. Replace it with your node link.

Step 5: Start a seed node

Follow the steps below to start your seed node.

Step 1: Set up your environment

  1. Go to /opt/thepower:

    cd /opt/thepower
  2. Download docker-compose.yml file under the link. Here is the example of code:

version: "3.3"


restart: unless-stopped
container_name: tpnode
- /dev/net/tun
image: thepowerio/tpnode
- type: bind
source: /opt/thepower/node.config
target: /opt/thepower/node.config
read_only: true
- type: bind
source: /opt/thepower/db
target: /opt/thepower/db
- type: bind
source: /opt/thepower/log
target: /opt/thepower/log
network_mode: 'host'

restart: unless-stopped
container_name: watchtower
image: containrrr/watchtower
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
command: --interval 3600 --cleanup

This file also allows watchtower to automatically update the node.


By starting the node we assume that

  • node.config,
  • db and log directories,
  • SSL keys, and
  • docker-compose.yml

are present and stored in /opt/thepower/ like described in Docker manual.

The following tree describes the directories and files in them:

├── db
│ └── cert
│ ├── hostname.crt
│ ├──
│ └── hostname.key
├── log
├── docker-compose.yml
├── node.config
└── tpcli.key

We assume you have the same tree.

hostname here is an example. Please, replace it with the hostname specified in your node.config file.

Step 2: Start the node

To start the node:

  1. Ensure, that you are in /opt/thepower directory. If not, run:

    cd /opt/thepower
  2. Run the following command:

    docker-compose up -d

How to check, that the node works?

Check, if your node work properly by running the following command:

curl | jq

The command above returns .json with actual info about the node.


https is essential for normal operation of your node. Though, if you experience problems when connecting to your node via https, you can also check your node status via http using the following command:

curl | jq

You can also look through the logs by running the following command:

docker logs tpnode

How to stop the node?

  1. Ensure, that you are in /opt/thepower directory. If not, run:
cd /opt/thepower
  1. Run the following command:
docker-compose down

Node update

Your node will be updated automatically.


After you start a node, please, send your node link to RoverBot. Otherwise, you won't get points.