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Account data uploading and displaying account state

Follow the steps below to upload the account data and then display the account state:

  1. Ensure you are in dcloud_example directory.

  2. Run showAccountInfo.js in the terminal by running the following command:

    node showAccountInfo.js

    Code example and comments:

    import { NetworkApi, WalletApi } from '@thepowereco/tssdk';
    import {readFileSync} from 'fs';
    //load account data from file
    const importNetworkApi = new NetworkApi(1025);
    const importWalletApi = new WalletApi(importNetworkApi);
    let password='111';
    const importedData = readFileSync("example.pem");
    const importedWallet = await importWalletApi.parseExportData(importedData.toString(), password);
    console.log('import data',importedWallet);

    //load balance for account
    const letNetworkApi = new NetworkApi(1025);
    await letNetworkApi.bootstrap();
    //find the chain where the account is
    let subChain = await letNetworkApi.getAddressChain(importedWallet.address);
    const networkApi = new NetworkApi(subChain.chain);
    await networkApi.bootstrap();
    const walletApi = new WalletApi(networkApi);
    const accountData= await walletApi.loadBalance(importedWallet.address);

    The account information loaded from the file, and then from the blockchain will be displayed in the terminal subsequently:

    dcloud_example % node showAccountInfo.js       
    import data {
    address: 'AA100001733086416001',
    wif: 'L12trJ1suQMKCEWfTC6Ng5pn8mRwjaTBuwTN2K1M9tEF4y39sY9t'
    accountData {
    amount: {},
    lastblk: 'D28DDE54D920F67D430E2EAA0B90A94077907AD6EBC6F5ED3219C61E57949182',
    pubkey: '034589D99AF47F882DE1C53B53C9A53F1C53F2D7B1E0DA28F07C6D9D50DC7C9BA5'

The part of NetworkApi library can be used differently in the code above. Let's check out the usages of this library part:

  1. const importNetworkApi = new NetworkApi(1025);

    This constant creates an instance of NetworkApi and uses 1025 chain parameter (chain 1025 is one of the first chains in the testnet).

    const importWalletApi = new WalletApi(importNetworkApi);

    This constant creates an instance of WalletApi, linking to NetworkApi instance.

    Here you don't need to think of what number of chain to use. The most important is that it is valid. The point is that importWalletApi is used only for processing the local file that contains the account data. That is why, there is no need in full network library initialization.

  2. const letNetworkApi = new NetworkApi(1025);

    This constant creates an instance of NetworkApi and uses 1025 chain parameter (chain 1025 is one of the first chains in the testnet).

    await letNetworkApi.bootstrap();

    This method initializes the network library by uploading information about the nodes of chain 1025.

    let subChain = await letNetworkApi.getAddressChain(importedWallet.address);

    This method invokes chain 1025 API and requests to search the chain, to which the account imported from file belongs.

  3. const networkApi = new NetworkApi(subChain.chain);

    This constant creates an instance of NetworkApi with the chain parameter that conforms the account, about which the data will be received in the future.

    await networkApi.bootstrap();

    Initialize the chain described above and receive data about the nodes it contains.