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Any changes you want to make in the state of the blockchain can be done using transactions. There are two main types of transactions:

  • Registration transaction;
  • Generic (financial) transaction (sending token from one wallet to another);
  • Calling smart contracts;
  • Storing smart contracts into LStore.

All transactions are stored in Message Pack.

You can find the Message Pack specification here.

There are libraries written in the most common types of programming languages.

You can download libraries from the official site.

Description of transaction API

URLRequest typeDescription of parameters
/api/tx/newPOSTInput parameters: {"tx": " ... packed and signed transaction ... "} Response: {"txid": "153B7614F8051F79-3RGPJnQuajxy1r9zj5Jb9JUr4skE-6BC2"} (transaction ID)
/api/tx/status/{txid}GETInput parameters: {txid} — transaction ID you've received from calling /api/tx/new Response: {"Res": null} — the transaction was not included into the block yet (no information yet) {"Res": {"ok": true}} - the transaction has included into the block

Example of sending a transaction using curl (the transaction body in this example has been shortened for clarity):

~ curl -d '{"tx":"g6R0eXBlo … 2MjI4X8TfA5gc"}'

Dive into transaction format

To make a new transaction, you should send a POST request to the server using https. Request data must be JSON-formatted and contain the tx key with base64-encoded transaction container.

Example banner

The transaction container is a MessagePack fixmap (first byte: 0x80- 0x8f). It has the following structure:

"body": BinaryBody (binary),
"sig": Array (array of binary),
"ver": 2 (unsigned integer)

The keys of this fixmap must be encoded as a String.

The value of the body is a MessagePack binary (first byte: 0xc4) with the MessagePack-encoded transaction payload (transaction body).

The transaction body is a MessagePack map (0xde, 0x80-0x8f) with one mandatory key k. The value of this key indicates the type of transaction and other keys depending on transaction purpose.

For the best scaling, transaction type number is unique for each type of transaction with any version of transaction version. Headers with constants should be generated by scripts from the JSON file supplied in distributive (priv/tx_const.json):

"purpose": {
"0": "transfer",
"1": "srcfee",
"2": "dstfee",
"3": "gas"
"kind": {
"16": ["generic", 2],
"17": ["register", 2],
"18": ["deploy", 2],
"19": ["patch", 2],
"20": ["block", 2],
"22": ["lstore", 2],
"23": ["notify", 2],
"24": ["chkey", 2]



  • "16": ["generic", 2] — a simple transaction between accounts. It is necessary for native tokens and information transmission;

  • "17": ["register", 2] — account registration transaction;

  • "18": ["deploy", 2] — smart contract deploy transaction;

  • "19": ["patch", 2] — chain settings appliance transaction;

  • "20": ["block", 2] — service-type transaction for cross-chain transactions packing;


    This transaction is mostly internal.

  • "22": ["lstore", 2] — LStore data update transaction;

  • "23": ["notify", 2] — transaction announcing interactive actions outside the blockchain;

  • "24": ["chkey", 2] — account key update transaction.

The value of the sig key is MessagePack array (types 0x90-0x9f or 0xdc-0xdc). Each array item contains signature for one key. Signature format (BSig) is described below. A transaction might have multiple signatures.

The value of the ver key is an integer, indicating a version of transaction format. The value is used to specify the body that should be used. In this release 2 (0x02 in MessagePack) is used.

Registration Transaction

For registration of a new wallet the register transaction type is used. The first byte of this type is 0xDE or a value from a range of 0x80-0x8F.

Example banner

Here is an example of registration transaction body content (shown as json. Binary data represented as base64-encoded strings):

"k": 0x11,
"t": 1530106891372,
"nonce": "T1umkWY=",
"h": "Y6dVG5CvZacwlbf21oybiIHh/4h+8d2EJwF7Qp/GpCA=",
"e": {}


kTransaction type (kind). This value should always be 0x11 for registration transactions (MessagePack positive fixint type, 0x11)
tTransaction creation timestamp (UNIX-time in milliseconds, MessagePack uint 64 bit type, 0xcf)
nonceThis value can be of any type and should be used to change the transaction hash (see "PoW difficulty of the registration transaction" section below)
hThis value is an sha256-hash of concatenated public keys sorted in an ascending manner (MessagePack binary type, 0xc4)
eCustom additional data included into transaction (MessagePack map or fixmap type, 0xde, 0x80-0x8f). Custom means that the additional data is defined by user.

Example of calculating the value of the key 'h'

In this example the following algorithm is used:

  1. Take 3 arbitrary public keys (shown as json-array, binary data represented as a hex string):


The keys should be represented as binary data (i.e. for the string 02 you should take 0x02 byte of binary data).

  1. Sort the keys. After the keys are sorted, you will get the following order:
  1. After concatenation step you will get the following data:
  1. Calculate the sha256 hash of this data.


The data must be binary-formatted (i.e. string E7 in the example should be byte 0xE7 of binary data). You will calculate the hash of binary data, NOT a string of ASCII symbols.

For the data in this example the sha256 hash is:


PoW difficulty of the registration transaction

To prevent mass registration of wallets, a PoW calculation for every registration transaction is required. In this case, the PoW means you should change the transaction data to get a sha512 hash which meets special requirements. These requirements are usually called difficulty.

You can get the current difficulty of the shard by calling the /api/settings API. By this API call you'll get a JSON object. The value of the key settings.current.register.diff is the difficulty of the shard.

For example, if difficulty is 16 you should get a sha512 hash of the transaction with 16 leading bits of 0 (i.e. two leading bytes should be equal to 0). You should change the nonce key value of the registration transaction to get a hash with 16 leading 0 bits.


The transaction body hash can't be put into transaction itself. To check, if transaction meets the difficulty requirements, server recalculates the sha512 hash of the transaction body. You should change the nonce key value of the registration transaction to get the transaction data with sha512 hash containing 'difficulty' of leading bits equal to 0.

Let's take the following transaction body (shown as JSON, binary value of the h key shown as hex-encoded string):

"k": 17,
"t": 1541067579755,
"nonce": 0,
"h": "957216f45873f7d09466610b887f1634359b000820bc91119e0efea70d2de64d"

Here is the hex dump of the MessagePack-encoded transaction body:


The sha512 hash of this transaction body is:


The first byte of the hash is 0x38 or 00111000 in binary format. This means the difficulty of preparation for this transaction body is 2 (hash has 2 leading 0 bits).

In case we changed the value of the nonce key the hash of the transaction body would change.

Here is the same transaction, but the value of the nonce key is changed to 210 (shown as JSON, binary value of the h key shown as hex-encoded string):

"k": 17,
"t": 1541067579755,
"nonce": 210,
"h": "957216f45873f7d09466610b887f1634359b000820bc91119e0efea70d2de64d"

Here is the hex dump of the MessagePack-encoded transaction body:


The sha512 hash of this transaction body is:


The binary representation of the first two bytes of that hash is:

00000000  00010100
0x00 0x14

This hash has 11 leading 0 bits, so the difficulty of preparation for this transaction body is 11.

BSig container and signature format

The BSig container is a binary data of TLV format (Tag - Length - Value).

Example banner

Each signature may contain additional data signed with main payload (body, data to be signed).

Here are the predefined fields:


The public key is mandatory. Every BSig should contain the public key tag.

Let's look at the signing procedure by an example.

Let's assume you have the private key 0102030405060708090001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102, and you want to sign the 'Hello, world!' string.

  1. Calculate a public key. For this private key it will be:


  1. Put the current timestamp into the container.

Here is the binary data you have at this step:

02 21 02B1912FABA80FCECD2A64C574FEFE422C61106001EC588AF1BD9D7548B81064CB
01 08 00000164B250D800
tag 0x02 (public key), length of data 0x21, public key data
tag 0x01 (timestamp), length of data 0x08, current unixtime as milliseconds in unsigned int 64 format
  1. The next step is appending of data for signing to binary from the previous step:
# tag 0x02 (public key), length of data 0x21, public key data
02 21 02B1912FABA80FCECD2A64C574FEFE422C61106001EC588AF1BD9D7548B81064CB

# tag 0x01 (timestamp), length of data 0x08, current unixtime as milliseconds in unsigned int 64 format
01 08 00000164B250D800

# 'Hello, world!' string added to the end of BSig container

Here is the resulting binary for signing (shown as hexdump):


The sha256 hash of this whole binary will be 60C3B88A5F32816F574C8FABFB45A35338A20D7C1678F20DABDBBD7F94568F15.

  1. Calculate the hash signature from the previous step. The signature is:


You always work with binary data. You should sign the hash binary data (NOT it's ASCII characters representation).

  1. Remove the payload you appended to container and prepend the container with the signature tag:
FF 46 304402205250D827749F285CE174137EC88B394092E43B9E6C6774045EE5E6ED5023225202204D1628F019E57BF19C1A0FE37193355A059F22CF8203D85E112FF3B4873D46FE
02 21 02B1912FABA80FCECD2A64C574FEFE422C61106001EC588AF1BD9D7548B81064CB
01 08 00000164B250D800
tag 0xFF (signature), length of data 0x46, binary data of signature (NOT it's ASCII)
tag 0x02 (public key), length of data 0x21, binary data of public key (NOT it's ASCII)
tag 0x01 (timestamp), length of data 0x08, current unixtime as microseconds in unsigned int 64 format

Generic transactions

Token transfer and/or smart contract call:


Token transfer and smart contract calling transactions must contain the following mandatory keys:

ffromSource address, must be 8 byte binary (0xc4 MessagePack type)
totoDestination address, must be 8 byte binary (0xc4 MessagePack type)
sseqTransaction (tx) nonce, must be positive integer (0x00 - 0x7f or 0xcc - 0xcf)
ttimestampTransaction (tx) unix-time in milliseconds, positive integer (0x00 - 0x7f or 0xcc - 0xcf)
ppayloadArray of amounts (see below, 0xdc or 0x90 - 0x9f)

Optional keys:

ccallThis key is needed for transaction intended to call smart contract method. This attribute should contain 2 element array (0x92), the first element is the method name (String), the second is an array of arguments (arbitrary types, but tx call with incorrect types will be dropped by a smart contract)
eextradataMap with arbitrary extra data that might be used by a smart contract or a wallet application. The code key is reserved for deploy method and should not be used for any other purposes (types 0x80 - 0x8f or 0xde - 0xdf). It is recommended to use the key with the name msg to place some text or comment to transaction

Attribute p (payload) is an array of 3 element arrays (0x93).

Here is an example of payload (shown as JSON):

[purpose, "currency name", amount],
[purpose, "currency name", amount],
[0x00, "SK", 10],
[0x01, "SK", 3]

Payload has the following elements:

  1. Purpose (positive fixint, 0x00 - 0x7f) from a JSON shown before.

  2. Currency name (binary, 0xc4). Even if the currency name contains only ASCII characters with codes 32-126 you still MUST use the binary type.

  3. Amount (integer, 0x00 - 0x7f, 0xcc - 0xcf). This field MUST be only the integer type. You CAN NOT use the float type or any other type.

In case this array contains more than 3 elements, all extra elements should be ignored (for example, it might be an array generated by software with a newer version of the protocol).

Clients MUST NOT add extra fields to payload array when creating a transaction, because it might break compatibility with new versions.

Here is an example of the whole transaction (218 bytes, shown as base64-encoded binary):


The same transaction shown as hex dump:

# 83 = fixmap of 3 elements

# body
a4 626f6479 c45087a16b10a166c4088000200002000003a2746fc408800020

# sig
a3 736967 91c476ff473045022052a6c53d04cded72c2beee500551d80e88

# ver
37 66572 02

The transaction container is a MessagePack fixmap (shown as JSON-like format, binary data shown as hex dump):



"ver": 2

Here is the transaction body with comments:

c450   # binary, length 0x50 bytes
87 # fixmap of 7 elements

# a1 = fixstr of 1 symbol, 6b = 'k' (this is the map key name), the value is 0x10

# a1 = fixstr of 1 symbol, 66 = 'f', c408 = binary of 8 bytes,
# the value is 8000200002000003 (encoded AA010000003355443516 wallet address)

# a2 = fixstr of 2 symbols, 746f = 'to', c408 = binary of 8 bytes,
# the value is 8000200002000005 (encoded AA010000003355443737 wallet address)

# a1 = fixstr of 1 symbol, 73 = 's', cf = uint64,
# 0005798a2e4c1930 = 1541009272740144 = 2018-10-31 18:07:52.740144

# a1 = fixstr of 1 symbol, 74 = 't', cf = uint64,
# 00000166cb4f6fa4 = 1541009272740 = 2018-10-31 18:07:52.740

# a1 = fixstr of 1 symbol, 70 = 'p', 92 = fixarray of 2 elements

# 93 = fixarray of 3 elements, 00 = 0 (transfer), a2 = fixstr of 2 symbols,
# 534b = 'SK', 11 = 0x11 = 17 (amount)

# 93 = fixarray of 3 elements, 01 = 1 (srcfee), a3 = fixstr of 3 symbols,
# 464545 = 'FEE', 03 = 3 (amount)

# a1 = fixstr of 1 symbol, 65 = 'e', 81 = fixmap of 1 element

# a3 = fixstr of 3 symbols, 6d7367 = 'msg'

# a5 = fixstr of 5 symbols, 68656c6c6f = 'hello'

Here is the sig value with comments:

# 91 = fixarray of 1 element

# c476 = binary of 0x76 bytes

# below this point goes bsig

# ff47 = signature, length 0x47 bytes ( = 71 in decimal)

# 71 bytes of signature

# 0221 = public key, length 0x21 bytes ( = 33 in decimal)

# 33 bytes of public key

# 0108 = timestamp, length 8 bytes,
# 00000166cb4f6fa4 = 1541009272740 = 2018-10-31 18:07:52.740