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Block operations

URL request/api/block/{hash}
Request typeGET
Input parameters{hash} — the hash of the block, or the word "last", if it is necessary to get latest generated block.


"bals": {...},
"hash": "...",
"child": "...",
"header": {...},
"outbound": [...],
"settings": [...],
"sign": [...],
"txs": {...},
"result": "ok"

Assignment of response fields:

blockAn object containing information about a block
balsAn object containing information about the balance of the wallets affected by the transactions in the block
hashThe block hash
childHash of the next block in the blockchain. It may be absent if the current block is the newest in its own unit
headerAn object containing the block header
outboundTransactions to be transferred to other chains
settingsThe configuration patches of the chain
signArray of the block signatures
txsAn object containing information about the transactions in the block

Object bals


"amount": {...},
"lastblk": "...",
"seq": Х,
"t": Х


  • 8001400002000001 - the wallet address in the binary representation in the hex format;
  • amount — an object containing information about the wallet balance. The object fields are the currency designations, and their values are balanced in each wallet currency;
  • lastblk — hash of the last block, showing operations with the current wallet;
  • seq — the last non-repeated sequential number of the outgoing transactions;
  • t — the timestamp in milliseconds.

The object containing the block header has the following structure:


{ "balroot":"...",



  • balroot — merkle tree root of the wallet snapshots in the block (absent in the fields with no ledger);
  • chain — the number of the subchains;
  • height — block height;
  • ledger_hash — the root of the merkle tree ledger, which should be obtained AFTER deriving the transactions from the block (absent in the cells without ledger);
  • settings_hash — the merkle tree ledger root, which should be obtained AFTER applying patches to the configuration of the cell from the block (may be absent);
  • parent — the hash of the previous block in the blockchain;
  • txroot — the root of merkle tree transactions in the block.

Object txs


"sig": {...},


  • 15190FBE2E428790-XUkvyU3JvUoMPyHEhkCKnsbD7jT-03 — example of a transaction identifier;
  • amount — transaction sum;
  • cur — transaction currency;
  • extradata — arbitrary additional information added to the transaction;
  • from — the wallet address of the sender for a transaction;
  • seq — a non-repeating sequence number of the transaction originating from the sender;
  • sig — an object in which the public key of the wallet that created the transaction is used as the field title and the signature of this transaction is used as the field value;
  • sigverify — an object containing the number of invalid signatures in the invalid fields, and the number of valid signatures in valid fields;
  • timestamp — the timestamp for creating a transaction in milliseconds;
  • to — the transaction recipient wallet address;
  • type:tx — a transaction characteristic.

The array of the block signatures contains objects with the following structure:


{ "binextra": "...",
"extra": {
"pubkey": "...",
"timestamp": Х,
"createduration": Х
"nodeid": "...",
"signature": "..."


  • extra — additional information of the signing node (timestamp, for example);
  • binextra — the same additional information in the original binary form (for verifying the signature);
  • nodeid — the identifier of the node that issued the signature (it is calculated from the pubkey);
  • signature — a signature.